Over 100,000 teams get work done with monday.com

About Monday.com

Plan, run, and track remote work in one flexible platform

Hit the ground running with ready-made templates and drag-and-drop building blocks. Get your team remote-ready in minutes.

Any process, any department, any industry, anywhere. Teams and organizations of all sizes use monday.com

Develop your own monday Apps. Create and package custom apps and integrations on top of monday.com

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Why use monday.com ?

Where teams plan, run, and track any project or process by creating workflow apps in minutes.

1. Manage everything in one workspace

Planning, tracking and delivering your team’s best work has never been easier

2. Set up in minutes

Get started fast with hundreds of visual and customizable templates - or create your own.

3. Save time with Automations

Automate the repetitive work in seconds so you can avoid human error and focus on what matters.

4. Visualize work with Views

View data as a map, calendar, timeline, kanban, and more.


Monday.Com for Working From Working Anywhere

Perkembangan teknologi informasi dan telekomunikasi saat ini membawa satu perubahan yakni suatu pekerjaan dapat dilakukan di mana pun, baik itu di kantor, di rumah, atau pun di tempat lain. Satu sisi membawa kemudahan bagi karyawan atau pegawai untuk bisa mengerjakan di mana pun. Di sisi lain membawa tantangan bagaimana melakukan kolaborasi, koordinasi, komunikasi, dan monitoring hasil output teamwork sehingga produktivitas karyawan/pegawai pada khususnya dan perusahaan pada umumnya bisa dicapai sesuai dengan target yang diinginkan Monday.com sebagai Work OS menjawab tantangan tersebut dengan memberikan kemudahan task management untuk berbagai bisnis proses perusahaan/instansi.

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September, 2020 - monday.com, the leading customizable work operating system, and PT Electronic Data Interchange Indonesia (EDII) a pioneer company in developing Electronic Data Interchange Services in Indonesia, announced a partnership to help organizations transition to remote work seamlessly.

This partnership expands monday.com’s footprint in Indonesia, where the company has a rapidly growing user base of 300+ customers. Through this partnership, monday.com aims to power teams to run projects, processes, and everyday work with confidence.

Together, EDII and monday.com will further expand monday.com’s Work OS ecosystem. EDII expects this collaboration to create business and organizational agility. monday.com’s automations and integrations, coupled with its user-friendly interface for its mobile app, makes the platform easy to use for teams so they can focus on making an impact, solving problems fast, instantly adapt and continually improve.

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